For The First Time Ever, Facebook Tells The Secret Behind Its News Feed Algorithm

About Post: To tell the people about its efforts to build a better News Feed, Facebook has detailed its Core Values for the first time. The social network says that it has been using these value for years to provide an immersive and useful News Feed experience to the users.

hen Facebook makes a small change in its News Feed algorithm, it creates a huge impact on its users and media outlets who publish content on the social media. Its News Feed shapes the mindsets of people and the future of businesses who spend their precious dollars on Facebook advertising.
In a blog post, Facebook says that for the first time it’s publicly explaining the “core values” that are used as a “guiding principle” to improve your News Feed.
If you keep a close eye on what Mark Zuckerberg says, you won’t find lots of surprises here. Still, it’s interesting to see Facebook giving some reasoning behind the little tweaks it makes.
Here are some important points from the same explainer:
Friends and family are preferred:
Facebook calls the idea of connecting people with friends and family the driving force behind the social network. So, it remains the most important factor that determines the content being shown on your feed.
Apart from this, the two other important points are:
  • Your Facebook feed should inform
  • Your Facebook feed should entertain
Facebook is a platform for all ideas:
Facebook calls itself a fair platform for all ideas and refrains itself frompushing some specific news topics. The social network says that it tries to show the stories that most people engage with.
In simpler language, Facebook pushes that content higher in the News Feed that people are more likely to spend time on.
Authentic communication is the key:
Facebook says that authentic and truthful stories decide the overall strength of its community. So, those stories are pushed down that are considered “misleading, sensational and spammy” by the social network.
User has the power to control his/her experience:
With the help of tools like “unfollow,” “hide” and “see first”, people can curate their own version of News Feed and choose the stories that they wish to see.
Facebook Pages will see less reach:
Due to a latest change, Facebook has implemented a change to favor your friends and family.
By making the friends and family posts show even higher in the feed, Facebook has given a big blow to the businesses that depend on Facebook pages. Facebook has said that “this update may cause reach and referral traffic to decline for some Pages.”
In simpler words, Facebook wants pages to create interesting content that their audience shares with friends and family.
It’s interesting to note that paid reach of the pages, for which Facebook charges money, will remain the same. This change is in line with Facebook’s previous efforts to force the media outlets to spend big bucks on advertising. Understandably, this latest change has fueled a widespread outrage among the publishers.

So, if you think that Facebook cares about your friends or family, think once more.
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