
Showing posts from June, 2016

For The First Time Ever, Facebook Tells The Secret Behind Its News Feed Algorithm

About Post:  To tell the people about its efforts to build a better News Feed, Facebook has detailed its Core Values for the first time. The social network says that it has been using these value for years to provide an immersive and useful News Feed experience to the users. hen Facebook makes a small change in its News Feed algorithm, it creates a huge impact on its users and media outlets who publish content on the social media. Its News Feed shapes the mindsets of people and the future of businesses who spend their precious dollars on Facebook advertising. In a blog post, Facebook says that for the first time it’s publicly explaining the “core values” that are used as a “guiding principle” to improve your News Feed. If you keep a close eye on what Mark Zuckerberg says, you won’t find lots of surprises here. Still, it’s interesting to see Facebook giving some reasoning behind the little tweaks it makes. Here are some important points from the same  explainer : ...

Analysis of Algorithms | (Asymptotic Notations)

We have discussed  Asymptotic Analysis , and  Worst, Average and Best Cases of Algorithms . The main idea of asymptotic analysis is to have a measure of efficiency of algorithms that doesn’t depend on machine specific constants,  and doesn’t require algorithms to be implemented and time taken by programs to be compared. Asymptotic notations are mathematical tools to represent time complexity of algorithms for asymptotic analysis. The following 3 asymptotic notations are mostly used to represent time complexity of algorithms. 1) Θ Notation:  The theta notation bounds a functions from above and below, so it defines exact asymptotic behavior. A simple way to get Theta notation of an expression is to drop low order terms and ignore leading constants. For example, consider the following expression. 3n 3  + 6n 2  + 6000 = Θ(n 3 ) Dropping lower order terms is always fine because there will always be a n0 after which Θ(n 3 ) beats Θn 2 ) irrespective of the co...

Top 5 Data Structure and Algorithm Books - Must Read, Best of Lot

Data Structure and Algorithms books are often taught as textbooks in various universities, colleges and Computer Science degree courses, yet, when you put programmers in a situation, where they need to find and decide, which data structures and algorithms to use to solve a problem, they struggle. I have seen this, and I think one reason of this is perspective. When you read something as a textbook and your perspective is just to do well in the exam, you might not be thinking about learning and applying that knowledge to real-world problems. Since data structures and algorithms are the core of any  programming problem , it becomes extremely important for programmers to master them even if you have learned well during academics. In this article, I am sharing five of my favorite  books on data structures and algorithms , which I think are a great read and can help every programmer to master data structure and algorithms. I have chosen these books because of different reasons...

6 New Programming Languages You Need To Learn In 2016

 >>If you are willing to learn a new programming language, you are at the right place. With changing times and the need for more performance, new programming languages like Swift and Go are gaining ground. So, choose your new weapon and start learning one of these in-demand programming languages. E ven though languages like HTML, Java, JavaScript, C++ etc. remain the backbone of today’s IT development, there is no dearth of new programming languages getting created every other day. Some of them are even weird and absurd like  TrumpScript , others are ‘happy’ like Emojicode . In the recent years, many important languages have appeared and left an impact on the technology world. Due to their simplicity and user-friendliness, they have managed to surpass the  more established languages . From time-to-time, we keep bringing to you the lists of the most popular languages. However, apart from mastering a popular programming language, programmers need to l...

Watch This ATM skimmer caught in real-time by a security researcher

ATM skimmer caught in the wild by a cybersecurity expert Have you seen an ATM theft caught on camera real time? This is your chance to see an ATM skimmer in action real-time thanks to a cyber security expert. Cybersecurity expert Benjamin Tedesco who was touring Vienna was hanging out in Main Square, near the metro station when he walked up to an ATM machine. He decided to give the ATM reader a little pull, as he is very suspicious about such machines. The reader came out with a working skimmer that was designed exactly to like the same card slot on the original machine. “It pays to be paranoid,” he said. Later, Tedesco pulled off the skimmer while taking some pictures of it. He plans to go ahead and try reverse engineering once he reaches home (probably with the credit card data still on it). The pinhole camera that the hackers used to seize PIN codes have been noticed by some Reddit users, in addition, to a feature that allows the entire cards be stolen in seconds. As ...

Basic Data Types In Java Examples And Programs

Basic Data Types In Java:              There are two different types of data types used in java that are Primitive type Non-primitive type Primitive type: byte : The byte data type is useful for saving memory in large arrays. It saves memory the range of byte data type is -128 to +127.It is an 8- bit signed two’s complement integer. The byte default value is 0. Example: byte a=20; short : The short is as similar as byte but is  16-bit signed two’s complement integer. The range of short data type is -32768 to +32767. The short data type default value is 0. Example: short s=1000; char : The char data type is a single 16-bit Unicode character. The range of char data type is '\u0000' to '\uffff'. The Char datatypes are used to store any character. Example: char c ='J'; boolean : The boolean data type used to represent one bit of information. This data type is used to check true ...